The newly certified pontoon manufacturers are Avalon Pontoons and Tahoe Pontoons.
While all boats in the United States must meet applicable United States Coast Guard regulations, boats built by manufacturers participating in the NMMA Certified program must also meet the standards set by the American Boat and Yacht Council. The program covers more than 30 categories of standards, which vary by boat type and size and may include: fuel systems, ventilation, passenger and weight capacity, horsepower capacity, flotation, electrical systems, navigation lights, warning label placement and guidelines and steering systems.
Certification is an NMMA membership requirement beginning with all products manufactured for model year 2007. To date, 244 NMMA members have become NMMA Certified. An additional 89 members are undergoing the certification process.
"By July 31, all NMMA boat builder members must either be officially NMMA Certified, or nearing completion of the NMMA Certification process," said Robert Newsome, NMMA manager of engineering standards, in a statement. "We are proud to report that as a result of the boat builders' hard work, this ambitious goal will be achieved."