BoatU.S. Recreational Boating Access Award seeks entries

September 2008 News

The BoatU.S. Recreational Boating Access Award will honor an individual, group, government body, business or non-profit organization that has succeeded in preserving or improving public waterway access. Judges will look at four criteria: First, the challenges faced in retaining or increasing access in an area; Second, the direct impact or measurable results of the solution; Third, the level of success in increasing awareness of the issue in a community and; Fourth, "repeatability," or the ability to take the successful approach and adopt it in other areas.
Examples of solutions could include creative public/private partnerships, changes in land use planning or permitting processes, tax incentives, legislation or public ballots, publicity or public education. Eligible activities include those undertaken in the last three years.
Winners will be announced by October 31, 2008. For more information or a look at last year's winners, go to

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