The new program, "No Bad Sales," is the second in a series of online training modules available to Yamaha marine dealers under the `Education' tab in the Yamaha Marine Business System (YMBS). Training modules such as these will give dealers the opportunity to learn without the added expense of traveling to an off-site classroom.
"This is a completely new course," said Martin Peters, Yamaha Marine Group manager, dealer education. "We have never offered a sales course online or as a DVD, and the curriculum is inspired by or marine dealers from all over the country."
Dealers contributed directly to the curriculum through "Golden Nuggets," day-to-day techniques that have been tried and proven in marine dealerships.
Included in the module are ideas for developing trust and rapport with customers. The curriculum also teaches selling techniques, such as learning product buzzwords and listening to customers to learn which buzzwords are most important to them. Strategies taught include improving overall sales by identifying (or creating) your dealer's competitive advantages and then selling your dealership by presenting competitive advantages to the customer.
YMU dealer management training offers product, sales, service management and overall dealer management curriculum. A complete 2008 Comprehensive Resource Guide for all YMU courses is available on the Yamaha Marine Business System (YMBS). It is also available in hard copy. If dealers would like an additional hard copy of the 2008 YMU Comprehensive Resource Guide, they should contact Libby Smith via e-mail at