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The House of Representatives has passed an amendment to federal spending legislation that prohibits the Environmental Protection Agency from using funding from this fiscal year to implement its waiver on the introduction of fuels containing 15 percent ethanol, or E15, the National Marine Manufacturers Association reported.
The EPA has approved the use of E15 for cars from model years 2001 and newer. Last December, the NMMA and its partners in the Engine Products Group filed suit against the agency for its decision. The amendment's sponsor, Rep. John Sullivan, R-Okla., noted that the amendment "ensures consumer safety, plain and simple. The EPA has completely ignored calls from lawmakers, industry, environmental and consumer groups to address important safety issues raised by the 50 percent increase in the ethanol mandate issued over the past year."
Click here to read a letter from the NMMA and others to House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urging support for the measure.
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