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REWARD OFFERED for STOLEN NEW HYDRA-SPORT 33 VX express pkgfrom Daytona Beach, FL on Sunday 11/6/11 approx. 1:50 pm
PLS CONTACT POLICE if seen or Bluewater Boats, ph. 386-255-7790 or doug@bluewaterboat.comPolice Report #11-4225, Holly Hill, FL Investigator Melton ph.386-248-9487
Wht hull w/midnight blue lighting bolt - triple wht Evinrude 250 etec on SportLine triple axle trailerFactory HardTop - no props - no electronics outside of RaymarineVHF w/Shakespeare antenna
Left lot w/blk storage curtains from HardTop to Gunnels, 2 outer motors w/blue motor covers
Captured on video: Suspect TOW vehicle ? Chevy Dually, reg cab approx. 1995 (Heist time 15 min)
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