The paddle was hidden in one of its hardest locations in our August issue. It was embedded in the wedding ring on page 33. Here are the sharp eyes who located it first.
Teresa Hiatt - Thomasville N.C.
Trey Hibberts - Murphy, N.C
Alden Chavez – Portland, Ore.
Gary and Peggy Fillion - Sandy Hook, Conn.
WW "Johnny" Johnson - Flagstaff, Ariz.
Jason Hrouda - Waterford, Wis.
Tami Bolf - Osteen, Fla.
Will Larremore – Granger, Texas
Ken Braun- Hartford, Wis.
Dan Rand - Fort Myers, Fla.
Randy D. Holmes - Pekin, Illinois
In our September issue, the paddle was a little bit easier and we heard from a lot of you around the country. It was on top of the grill on page 22. Here are the first ten people to email in.
Mark Joncas- South Berwick, Maine
John McDade - Wilmington, Ill.
W W "Johnny" Johnson - Flagstaff, Ariz.
Mark Riedel - Houston, TX
Gary and Peggy Fillion - Sandy Hook, Conn.
Patrick Stengel- -Mercer, Wis.
Ken Braun- Hartford, Wis.
Dick Smith - Winona, Minn.
Alan Craig - Antioch Ill.
Fred Waterhouse - Stafford Springs, Conn.
We’ve hidden the same paddle within the pages of this issue. Try to find it and then send an email to Make sure to include your name and hometown. Can’t wait to hear from you!