There is nothing better than a parade during the holiday season. Wait!...maybe there is. It's a boat parade!
You can't help but get in the spirit of things with lights gleaming off the cool ripples in the water and the
holiday sounds coming from the lavishly decorated vessels. That's why at "Florida By Water" we have created an extensive list of boating parades for the holidays.
From Pensacola to Key West, we have listed over 74 spectacular events. You can locate the huge ones like in Fort Lauderdale with over 200 boats to smaller ones in Astor with a hometown feel.
The truth of the matter is we have given you fair notice to plan excuses this year.... spend an evening with the family and friends. Get into the spirit only the way a true boater can. Read More to see the list.
Did we miss one? Please let us know if so. or 904-866-6389

Please confirm dates and times, they are subject to change
Apollo Beach
Apollo Beach Lighted Boat Parade
December 7th 2013 6:30pm. There will alos be a chili cook off.
Tampa Sailing Squadron is the host for this community event, which means the party, chili cookoff, and awards ceremony are held at our clubhouse at 1250 Apollo Beach Blvd. We have good viewing from our docks, as well. The Squadron also is sponsoring the community-wide party that evening. On the same day, the Squadron and St Pete Sailing Association are holding their Trans-Bay Regatta. So there will something for everyone.
For more info, call John Stocksdale at 813-841-7227 or email at
Annual Lighted Parade of Boats (CHRISTMAS ON THE ST. JOHNS)
December 7st, 2013 (dusk)
Festivities will begin at 10 AM With our Annual Christmas Street Parade. The day will continue with outdoor events and wrap up with The Annual Parade of Boats at dusk. If you have never viewed our parade, make this year your first. If you have a boat join us in putting on a show for the community. We give out over $2500.00 in cash and valuable prizes. Hosted by the Blackwater Yacht Club, St. Johns River, Astor, Florida. No boat is too small!!! Website
Contact (407)290-9244
Boca Raton Boat Parade
37th Annual Holiday Boat Parade
December 7th 2013 (6:30pm from the C-15 Canal at the Boca/Delray border and will travel south to the Hillsboro Blvd. Bridge.)
Boca Raton's Boat Parade has been one of the premier holiday events in South Florida with tens of hundreds of spectators lining the 6-1/2 mile parade route to view spectacularly decorated vessels of all sizes celebrating the holiday season in true tropical tradition. In past years, the parade featured over 40 beautifully decorated vessels celebrating the spirit of the season-traveling down the ICW in a spectacular display of holiday spirit. It is the hope of the organizers that the community will join us to make the 2012 Boca Raton Holiday Boat Parade the biggest and best yet. Bleacher viewing at Silver Palm Park and Red Reef Park. Contact 561-393-7827 Website
Bonita Springs
Bonita Springs Boat Parade
December 14th, 2013
The Bonita Springs holiday boat parade is in the planning stages. The date has been set for December 8th 2012 at approximately 4:00 p.m. Details with meeting locations and the captains dinner/sign up is to follow. Contact Adam Botana (239) 248-0955 for more information regarding sponsorships and Boat Parade sign up. The US 41 bridge in Bonita Springs, over the Imperial River is an excellent vantage point to see the parade. Parking is limited. Plan to park at neighboring plazas; Kmart, Fresh Market, Riverview Terrace Office Park and walk to the venue .Website (239) 495-0455
Boynton/Delray Holiday Boat Parade
Annual Holiday Boat Parade
December 13th 2013 6:30pm Website
The 43nd annual parade begins at Boynton Beach inlet and will move south to the C-15 Canal in Delray Beach. Bring a toy for donation to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots collection drive.
737-3256 x212
Christmas on the Braden River.
December 8th 2013, 5:00pm
Starting on Sunday December 8, 4:00 PM the vessel registration will begin at Jiggs Landing Preserve. We will assign the boat numbers and direct boaters to the line up area from 5 until 5:45 PM. The parade begins at 6:00. Each participant passes staging area for the visitor voting. The parade ends 7:30 at Linger Lodge, where you may order your favorite dish from the regular menu.
Prizes will be awarded.
Please confirm dates and times, they are subject to change. If you are going to the parade by boat, check for tips on our website. Voting will be by text message to 941-320-8811. Website
Manatee River Holiday Boat Parade
December14th, 2013 6:30 Website
Cape Canaveral
Port Canaveral Chritmas Boat Parade
December 7th, 2013
Kick-off the holiday season by attending "A Creative Christmas" Boat Parade in Port Canaveral on Dec. 7th starting at 5:30 p.m. View the parade from any of the Port restaurants. 1st Prize is $500.00. Port businesses will be collecting canned and non-perishable goods starting Nov. 25th thru Dec. 5th to benefit the Central Brevard Sharing Center. So come join this family event and help those that are less fortunate in our community. For more information go to: or call Shawn 321-403-5769.
Captiva Lighted Boat Parade
December 14th, 6:00 pm 2013
As part of the Captiva Holiday Village festivities, the Captiva Lighted Boat Parade will start at 6 p.m. just outside Roosevelt Channel, Marker #2. The route will follow Roosevelt Channel to `Tween Waters Inn and back. There is no entry free for the boat parade; however, a minimum of 100 lights is required for entry; more are encouraged. Prizes will be given for the best-decorated vessels from any of three categories: power boats 36-feet or more, power boats 35-feet or less, and sailboats of all sizes. An awards party will take place at Key Lime Bistro on Andy Rosse Lane after the parade. Captiva Cruises will be offering passenger tickets for those without a boat to cruise in the parade and be part of the fun, or groups can arrange their own private charter on one of the Captiva Cruises boats. Public viewing of the parade from land is available at The Green Flash Waterfront Restaurant, `Tween Waters Inn, Jensen's Marina, and McCarthy's
Boat Parade of Lights & Holiday on the Harbor
December 14th 2013 5:00pm
Join us for the Boat Parade of Lights and Holiday on the Harbor on Dec. 14th on the Carrabelle Riverfront! Put your boat in the parade and join in the fun! Holiday Celebration with Santa, food and Fireworks!Website for more information or call 850-251-0445
Cape Coral/Fort Myers
35th Annual Cape Coral Holiday Boat Along
December 15h , 2013 4:00-8:00pm Website
The focal point of this event is a parade of approximately 100 boats decorated in a festive holiday fashion with lights, costumes, elves, and whatever else their captains can think of. At Four Freedoms Park, the landlubbers watch the boats gather in the Bimini Basin before they begin meandering through the canals of south Cape Coral. Along with providing an ideal seat to watch the illuminated vessels, the park features holiday music, a visit from Santa, food and beverages for sale. This is a unique celebration of Christmas Florida-style. Boats can register by contacting Sea Tow in Cape Coral. Sea Tow (239) 549-0558
Cedar Key
Boat Parade ( A Cedar Key Christmas)
December, 14, 2013 (Dusk)
Enter your boat in Cedar Key's lighted waterway parade! It's a great way to advertise your business and it helps our community have a successful event. Our parade kicks off Cedar Key's Community night on Dec. 15. The route wraps around Dock Street and ends at City Park, where Santa Clam will visit with the kids and everyone enjoys a giant covered-dish party. To enter the parade, call Rose at 352 -543-6346. For Community Night questions, email
Clearmont / Winter Garden
Johns Lake Boat Parade
December 15th 2013 6:00pm
The Annual Johns Lake Boat Parade will be on Sunday, December 18th, at 6:00pm. All boats participating should meet in Johns Lake, in the cove to the northeast of Deer Island a few minutes before 6:00pm. Parade goes along north shore of Johns Lake and lasts about 1 hours. In the past, we've had as many as 20 boats in the parade. Come out for a great time! Call 407-701-8033 for details.
Island Estates Yacht Club Boat Parade
December 14th, 2013 6:30 pm (Coachman Park)
Decorated boats assemble in Mandalay Channel and head to Coachman Park, under the Memorial Causeway Bridge and to the Clearwater Yacht Club's judging stand. Prizes awarded for best decorated boats. This annual parade is held in memory of Island Estates Yacht Club members who died during the year. Contact information is: Scott Sanders at 727-461-3949, Laura Lee Bernard at 727-442-1978 or Sue Speck at 727-446-0682.
Cocoa Beach
Cocoa Beach Christmas Boat Parade
December 14th, 2013 6:00pm
The date for the Cocoa Beach Christmas boat parade is set for December 154h, beginning at 6 pm. Website
Cortez/Longboat Key/ Bradenton Beach
10th Annual Holiday Lighted Boat Parade
December 14th 2013
All vessels meeting USGS safety requirements and decorated in appropriate holiday fashion are welcomed to join in for this fun and heartwarming event.
Prizes will be awarded to the Best Decorated Boats in several divisions: Grand Prize is $500.
This parade, organized by the Cortez Yacht Club, is for community enjoyment in conjunction with Manatee Toys for Tots and Christmas on Bridge Street festivities in Bradenton Beach.
Parade will begin on the north end of Longboat Key near Mar Vista Dockside Restaurant and Moore's Stone Crab Restaurant, and will proceed north along the Intracoastal Waterway to finish for judging at the Seafood Shack Marina.
Boats competing for prize money need to register with the Cortez Yacht Club by Thursday, December 15, 2012.
No entry fee is required but a gift donation of a new toy for the Toys for Tots collection effort is requested.
Please contact the Cortez Yacht Club Lighted Boat Parade Chairman for registration:
Laura Ritter 941-780-3547 Website
St. Johns River Christams Boat Parade
December 14, 2013
Catfish Bend (Marker 36) north of Whitehair Bridge Ends at approximately 8:00 P.M. - North end of Lake Beresford. Awards ceremony at Lake Beresford Yacht Club immediately following the parade. More Information
Daytona Beach
Annual Christmas Parade
December 7th, 2013 6:30pm (Halifax River)
A great holiday tradition, the 2012 Halifax River Yacht Club Christmas Boat Parade on the Halifax River in downtown Daytona Beach will be Saturday, December 7 2013 at 6:30PM. This is the 12th annual parade and is expected to be the best yet. View the Christmas Boat Parade anywhere along the banks of the halifax river or from the downtown bridges at Seabreeze, Main street or International Speedway Blvd.Website
26th Annual Holiday on the Harbor Lighted Boat Parade
December 15th, 2013. 6:00pm
Festivities will be held that afternoon all along the Harbor and the Lighted Boat Parade and judging will start at 6 P.M. upstairs at Harry T's Restaurant. Boats will start lining up in the Harbor between 5 and 5:30 PM. Fireworks in the East Pass will light up the sky after the parade. Mark your calendar and plan to add this event to your holiday activities. The parade can be viewed from docks and restaurants west of Grand Harbor Condominiums on Destin Harbor. All commercial, charter, and private boats are invited to help light up the Harbor with the true Destin spirit. You may pick up an entry form in person at the Museum, Destin Community Center, City Hall, Destin Chamber of Commerce, or many Harbor businesses. You may also request a fax or email copy by calling the Destin History and Fishing Museum at 850-837-6611 or email Website Sponsored by The Destin History & Fishing Museum"
Notes: "Boats will start lining up in the Harbor between 5 and 5:30 P.M. on the south side of the Harbor. At 6 P.M. the parade will travel east in the Harbor, turning north at Grand Harbor Condo and preceding along the Harbor's north shore west to pass Harry T's where judging takes place."
Holiday Boat Parade
December 7th, 2013 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Beautifully decorated, lighted boats will leave Marker 1 Marina at 6pm and proceed south through the Intra-Coastal waterway to Marker 2, turn around and arrive at the Dunedin Marina at approximately 7:30pm. Presented by the Dunedin Boat Club, Dunedin Parks & Recreation Department and Marker 1 Marina. Festivities also include Holiday music, S'Mores and Santa arriving on the last boat and preside over the Tree Lighting ceremony! Free to attend. Bring lawn chairs. For boat registration, call (727) 692-6440. For general information, call (727) 812-4531 Flyer
RPM's Lighted Boat Parade
No date has been set. It may not happen this year (per RPM). Facebook
Christmas on the Water ( Dissolved this year)
Fanning Springs
Festival of Lights
No Parade this year.
Fort Lauderdale
Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade
Saturday December 14th 2013
The excitement begins at 3:30 pm when the gates open to the Grandstand Viewing Area. Come early and bring the family (No pets please) to enjoy all of the amenities associated with your reserved and assigned seats. The Boat Parade gets underway at 6:00 pm along Downtown Fort Lauderdale and should arrive at this area at approximately 7:30 pm. Wave to our Grand Marshal on the SmartForLife Grand Marshal Showboat and see the Centennial Cirque Showboat sponsored by the Clydey Foundation. Website
Fort Myers Beach
25th Annual Christmas Boat Parade
December 7tht 2013 6:00pm
Boats decked out in festive holiday array depart from Salty Sam's Marina at 6:10 p.m. The 25th annual lighted floating parade proceeds beneath the high bridge and through the canals of Siesta Bay in a purely Fort Myers Beach tradition. The event is expected to feature 25 to 30 illuminated boats decorated with a dazzling array of animated Christmas scenes. This spectacular night time parade will be led by Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus on the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce Boat. Enter to win a trophy for the best decoration in three categories: powerboat under 26 feet, powerboat over 26 feet, and sailboat. Or watch from Parrot Key Caribbean Grill, Doc Ford's , the Siesta Bay channels, Bowditch Point, the Pink Shell Marina, Matanzas Inn, or Nervous Nellie's If you would like to participate in the boat parade registration please contact the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce at 239.454.7500 Website
Fort Pierce ( St Lucie County)
Holiday Boat Parade
December 14th. 2013 6:00pm
The 23rd Annual St. Lucie County Holiday Boat Parade is scheduled for December 14 2013. The festivities begin at the South Causeway at 4:00 PM with music, food, drinks, and even a visit from Santa. The parade starts at 6:00 pm and begins at the Fort Pierce City Marina. View stations will be at the South Causeway Park, Public Beach, Harbor Cove, Mangrove Matties, Chuck's Seafood, On the Edge, the Tiki, Cobb's Landing or any waterfront restaurant in that area. For more information, please visit
Gulf Port
Boca Ciega Yacht Club's Annual Light Prade
December 14th, 2013 6:00pm
Boca Ciega Yacht Club is holding its 28th Annual Lighted Christmas Boat Parade on Saturday, December 14th, 2013. Members spend many hours planning and then decorating their boats in hopes of sharing the holiday spirit with the surrounding communities. Residents of Gulfport, South Pasadena, and St. Petersburg frequently contact the club for the date so holiday parties can be planned around the event and many non-members participate in this festive parade, as it is open to the public.Starts at 6PM, Gulfport Marina at 6:15, Gulfport City Dock at 6:30-6:45, Town Shores at 6:45, Pasadena Yacht Club at 7:15. Website
Hernando Beach
Boat Parade
December 7th, 2013 6:00pm
The parade will start at 6 p.m., leaving from behind the yacht club, 4163 Shoal Line Blvd., then proceeding through local canals and to the public boat ramp. The Coast Guard Auxiliary and Hernando County Sheriff's Office will assist. The Hernando Beach Yacht Club will host the annual Hernando Beach Christmas Boat Parade at high tide on Dec. 15. Afterward, there will be hot dogs, chili, chips and drinks available at the club.
Entry fee is the donation of a new, unwrapped toy. Trophies will be awarded for the best original theme, best lighted boat and the funniest boat. There is no cost for spectators. For information, call Fleet Captain Arron Nangle at 352-916-0001
Indian Rocks Beach
Holiday Lighted Boat Parade
December 15th 2012 7:00pm
For further information on this event, please contact Public Services Supervisor Randy Schwab, at 727/595-6889, Mon - Fri, from 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m Website
Jacksonville Light Parade
November 29th 2014 (Dusk)
Whether you're a seafarer or landlubber, you are sure to be dazzled by the annual Jacksonville Light Parade. The Light Parade has become a tradition for thousands of families and out-of-town guests who eagerly await the transformation of the St. Johns River. Boats of every shape and size are adorned with decorations that captivate senses and stimulate imaginations. This enchanted night is topped off by a fireworks display like no other, featuring the signature bridge "waterfalls." Admission is free.
Christmas on the Creek
December 7th, 2013 7:00pm
An estimated 40 holiday decorated boats will gather on the west side of the Julington Creek bridge near the Julington Creek Marina at 12807 San Jose Blvd., then motor around Bulls Bay, back under the bridge and down Durbin Creek. The return to the marina signals the awards ceremony. The show is just for fun, with the best-decorated boat getting a prize, as do second and third place. Facebook
Jupiter/Palm Beach
Jupiter Boat Parade and Celebration
December 7th 2013, 5:00pm
The Town of Jupiter and the Marine Industry Association of Palm Beach County are once again teaming up to bring the Holiday Boat Parade north to the Jupiter Lighthouse!
The beautiful waterside Events Plaza along the Jupiter Riverwalk will host a FREE special parade viewing event, including food, music, and festivities. In addition to the Riverwalk Events plaza, the boat parade can be viewed from Sawfish Bay Park and Lighthouse Park.
*Please note these additional viewing sites do not have public restroom facilities, food vendors or entertainment.
Bring your own chair, and enjoy the sounds of the season with holiday entertainment while you relax and watch the boats drift by in all of their holiday finery. The Events Plaza is an official Toys for Tots collection location, so bring a new, unwrapped toy for this annual tradition of giving. Website
Key Colony Beach Lighted Boat Parade
December 8th 2013 6:00pm (dusk)
The parade starts in the large Canal between the Sadowski Causeway and 7th Street in Key Colony Beach at approximately 6pm. On a signal from the KCB Police Boat two full circuits, counter clockwise, of the canal begins, moving past the Judges who are located at the City Hall Dock. The parade then passes out of the 7th street canal and winds its way through the canals on the west side of the city, ending usually in the canal between 11th and 12th street. The parade is easily viewed from either the Sadowski Causeway entering Key Colony Beach or the dock area behind the Post Office and City Hall. The City allows parking on the Causeway walking path to watch the parade. There are numerous parties at residents homes while waiting for the parade to come by their canal. Hundreds enjoy this annual holiday treat The event is open to the public. For information, call 305-743-7214 Website
Key Largo
Key Largo Boat Parade
December 14th 2013, 7:30
Blackwater Sound is to shimmer as decorated boats parade along the shoreline in celebration of the holiday season. This year's theme is "Deck the Hulls," and new this year, a create-your-own-theme to win a prize and the 2013 parade will adopt that overall theme. The best viewing and libations are to be found at Sundowners, Jimmy Johnson's Big Chill, Senor Frijoles, the Marriott Key Largo Bay Resort and Caribbean Club, MM 103-104. The parade is free to enter; one grand prize winner and one randomly selected lucky boat are to receive $500 each. Contact: 305-394-3736 or visit
(NewYears Event in Key Largo)
New Year's Eve Fireworks on Blackwater Sound
December 31st, 2013
The back bay is the setting for the annual New Year's Eve fireworks extravaganza hosted by Sundowners, Senor Frijoles, Cactus Jacks, Gus' Grille at the Marriott Key Largo Beach Resort and the Caribbean Club, MM 103-104. Check website for upcoming details
Contact:Robert Stoky 305-451-4502 website
Key West
Schooner Wharf Bar/Ultimate Vodka Lighted
December 14th, 2013 8:00pm
Lighted and decorated vessels from rowboats to tall ships proceed around Key West's Historic Seaport and harbor areas. Before the boat parade, at 6 p.m., the Gerald Adams Elementary School Steel Your Heart Band will welcome spectators with songs of the season. Holiday revelers can watch and applaud from bars, restaurants and resorts in and around the Historic Seaport. For details, call 305-292-3302 or visit Website.
Lights of Love Christmas Boat Parade
December 7th 2013
The Lakeport Lights of Love Christmas Boat Parade, set for Dec. 7 at Harney Pond Canal in Glades County, will also be a toy drive. Entry fee is one new, unwrapped toy per person. The toys will be given to the local toy drive for Lakeport children. Santa will arrive at 6 p.m. There will be a prize for the best decorated boat. Registration for the event will be through Dec. 1, To register, or for more information, call Tom at 863-946-1146, or Lois at 443-463-2785, or Lorraine at 863-227-4301.
Toys for Tots
December 8th, 2013 11:30 am
The parade starts at Hurricane Dock Grill on the Dead River and goes to Venetian Gardens Ramp Captains meeting is Thursday, Oct 24th at 7PM Hurricanes Dockside Grill see the attached flyer. Bring as many of the captains and members of your group with you. Flyer
Leesburg's Christmas On The Water
December 8th, 2013 6:00 pm
Attached is a flyer for the December 8 parade. We are looking forward to a great parade this year. Flyer
You can contact us at 352-326-8274 or (Venetian Gardens Ski Beach, Leesburg, Florida)
Lower Florida Keys
Lower Keys Lighted Boat Parade
December 14th 2013 7:00 pm
All boats are welcome to enter the parade including deep-sea cruisers, dinghies, kayaks and canoes. Santa and Mrs. Claus are expected to arrive and hand out candy to the kids. The best recommended viewing is from Pine Channel Causeway or Parrotdise Waterfront Bar & Grille, 183 Barry Ave. on Little Torch Key. Parade begins at 7 p.m. Contact:Steve 305-923-5370
Madeira Beach
Festival Of Light
December 14th , 2013 6:30
Lighted and decorated boats will light up the waterways. The parade will begin behind the Madeira Beach recreation field at 6:30 pm and end at John's Pass. Website
Marathon Area
Boot Key Harbor Lighted Christmas Parade
December 14th, 2013
Get into the holiday spirit at the Annual Marathon Boat Parade at Boot Key Harbor, a middle Keys holiday kick-off event for more than 17 years; watch as dinghies, mega-yachts and anything in between turn the harbor into a sparkling procession along the parade route. Best viewing sites include Lazy Days South, Marathon Marina, Sombrero Dockside Lounge and Burdine's Waterfront. Starts at dusk, near 5 p.m. Website
Contact: Greg 305-849-0285
Martin County
The 33rd Annual Martin County Christmas Boat Parade.
December 7th, 2013 at 6:00pm, Sandsprit Park, Port Salerno, FL
Festivities begin at 6:00PM at the following viewing stations: Flagler Park & City Docks (staging area), Martin Memorial Hospital, Sandsprit Park and Manatee Pocket.
Captain's Meeting Dec 6, 2013 5:00PM at Meridian Marina; 1400 SW Chapman Way Palm City
. For registration information please call 772-692-7599
Christmas Lights Boat Parade
December 21st 2013
Manatee Cove Marina , (Patrick Air Force Base) . Departs Manatee Cove Marina and proceeds under the Pineda Causeway and into the Grand Canal to Lake Shepard; then returns. Captains Meeting 5 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Informal dinner after the parade for participants.
Merritt Island
Merritt Island Christmas Boat Parade
December 21st, 2013 6:00
The Merritt Island Christmas Boat Parade will take place on December 21st, 2013 . There will maps for the route and all pertinent information will be available at the meeting. There are prizes for different categories of decorations and you must be registered to be entered in the judging. You do not have to participate in the judging if you do not wish to. For more info contact Kim Johnson at 453-5149 or 720-9147. Or Kenny Buback at 454-9024 or 427-7208 Website
Miami Outboard Club Holiday Boat Parade
December 14th 2013 7:00pm
The annual Holiday Boat Parade was organized by the Miami Outboard Club in 1998 in an effort to attract residents and tourists to Biscayne Bay, Downtown Miami and surrounding areas during the holiday season. Nearly two dozen enthusiastic boat captains joined in the fun, decorating their boats and parading in the Bay waters adjacent to the Club. Over the past 12 winter seasons, the Holiday Boat Parade has grown in size and scope, attracting club members and non-members alike. Over the past few years the event, has featured more than 70 boats, and nearly 100 are expected this year. Best viewing area is Bayfront Park where there will be several food trucks, DJ and kids bounce house. Website
RiverWalk Milton
December 6th, 2013 ( 8:00 pm)
Our annual Holiday Lighted Boat Parade is scheduled for Friday, December 6, 8:00 p.m., on the Blackwater River in Milton, Florida. Line up at Russell Harbor Landing@ 7:15pm. Chairperson is Ken Ponsell; he can be reached at (850) 529-3565, e-mail Flyer
Mount Dora
Lighted Boat Parade
December 7th 2013 7:00pm
It's our pleasure to announce plans for the 23rd Annual Mount Dora Lighted Boat parade have been completed. As sometimes happens, older events can become rather ho-hum. Not this one. With the help of our sponsors, Holiday Marine, Mount Dora Chamber of Commerce, Mount Dora Boating Center, Mount Dora Lions Club, Rusty Anchor and SeaTow, this year's event promises to be the biggest and brightest yet. There's lots of exciting changes to this years parade.
First we have a theme "Boating at the North Pole". All our participates will be asked to decorate their craft and show us how Santa and his crew might enjoy a boating holiday. Let your imagination run wild because that will be one of the award categories for this year's event. Here's full list of this years categories and awards. Flyer
2013 Marine Industries Christmas Boat Parade
December 14th 2013 6:00-8:00pm
Naples City Dock
Donations will be accepted by the Marine Industries Foundation. 100% of donations will be given to The Ricky King Fund which provides the unmet financial medical needs of local children. Make donation checks payable to The Ricky King Fund. Send check and parade entry form to MIACC Foundation, P.O. Box 9887, Naples, FL 34101. Website
New Smyrna Beach
25th Annual Boat Parade
December 7th 2013
The annual New Smyrna Beach Christmas parade will kick off at 4 p.m., Saturday, December 7, and travel the NSB Waterfront Loop from Flagler Avenue to Canal Street in New Smyrna Beach. This year's theme is a "Sleigh Bells and Snowflakes." The annual boat parade will follow at dusk in Riverside Park at the end of Canal Street. The event is free. For more information, please call New Smyrna Beach Recreation Department 386.424.2175. Website
The 3rd Annual Boggy Bayou Holiday Boat Parade
Celebrate the season on board your boat at the Boggy Bayou Holiday Boat Parade, hosted by North Light Yacht Club. Lights, music, props and more are all welcomed by the judges as they award the best floating holiday displays. The event has created a fabulous competition of lighted boat participants and numerous spectators line the shores of the Bayou to view this spectacular celebration Website
Christams Boat Parade
December 14th 2013 6:00pm
The Okeechobee Yachette Club will host their third annual Christmas Boat Parade on Saturday, Dec. 14. Decorate your boat and meet the group on Taylor Creek by the Burger King and State Road 70 bridge between 5 and 5:30 p.m. in Okeechobee. The boat parade starts at 6 p.m. For more information, call Arnie at 863-634-4777.
Orange Park
Whitey's/Swimming Pen Creek Lighted Boat Parad
December 14th 2013 6:30pm (Whitey's Fish Camp, 2032 CR 220)
Events will go all day long, starting at noon. We will be raffling off prizes, as well as having a silent auction. All proceeds will go to benefit the American Cancer Society and the Safe Animal Shelter. Come out for a day full of family fun to celebrate the Holidays and benefit local and national charities. For more information please call 904-269-4198
Winter Park Boat Parade Festival of Lights
December 14h, 2013 6:45
Festivities will kick off at 4 pm in the Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens with food, wine, and holiday music while the crowds waits for the sun to set for the main event of boats lined up in Christmas Lights. At dusk, the boat parade will begin on Lake Virginia and continue thru Palm Canal onto Lake Osceola making its way over to the museum, going by the Museum around 6:45 PM for judging. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to enjoy the parade with family and friends.
A Ski show will be hosted at Rollins College on Lake Virginia prior to the the lighted boat parade begining at sundown (approximately 6 pm) on Lake Virginia on the eastern shore by Dinky Dock and proceeds to Lake Osceola. Website
Lake Ivanhoe Boat Parade
November 23rd 2013 6:30 pm
The Lake Ivanhoe Holiday Boat Parade- Saturday, November 23rd @ 6:30. Yes, this year it will be on a Saturday! Ivanhoe Village will be having their Jingle Eve Open House, so there will be lots to see and do for all ages. Cash and prizes for best decorated boat in several categories. We will have designated parking and decorating areas. All proceeds to benefit Toys For Tots and The Pink Army.! Please come out and support the Ivanhoe Village Main Street District. Facebook
Palm Beach
2013 Palm Beach Holiday Boat Parade
December 7th 2013 6:00 pm
A premier event of the Marine Industries Association of Palm Beach County (MIAPBC) and gift to the community, the 2013 Palm Beach Holiday Boat Parade kicks off the holiday season this year on Saturday, December 1st.
The parade, led by a traveling fireworks display navigates up the Intracoastal Waterway from North Palm Beach, south of the North Palm Beach Marina, to the Jupiter Lighthouse. The Parade begins at 6 p.m. and arrives in Jupiter at approximately 8 p.m.
The Palm Beach Holiday Boat Parade benefits the U.S. Marines Toys for Tots organization. Each year, the MIAPBC has been able to grow the amount of toys collected. Last year, they collected more than 18,000 toys for needy children in Palm Beach County. This event collects more toys for Toys for Tots than any other single event in the county!. Facebook or Website
Palm Coast
Christmas Boat Parade
December 14th, 2013 6:00pm
The Palm Coast Yacht Club will host the Christmas Boat Parade on Saturday, December 14 at 6:00 p.m. The parade will consist of lighted boats starting in the Cimmaron Basin, which is just north of Cedarford Court, and proceed to the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway. Then the parade will head south to the new Waterfront Park and back to the Hammock Dunes Toll Bridge. Best viewing area will be along the Intercoastal Waterway. All boaters in Flagler County are encouraged to decorate and enter their boats in the parade. This is a just-for-fun event and open for all. Owners are free to decorate their boats as they wish, displaying the spirit and feeling of the Holiday Season. This is a just-for-fun" event, open to the public... "but all boats need to be registered to participate." Website
Palm Harbor
Lake Tarpon Holiday Boat Parade.
December TBA 7:30pm ( Boat Registration 6:00pm)
Wheelchairs 4 Kids is proud to have been chosen as the Charity of Choice for the Lake Tarpon Holiday Boat Parade. Join us at the Dockside Sports Bar and Grille Tiki Bar in the Lake Tarpon Resort (37611 US Hwy 19 N, Palm Harbor, FL 34684). The party starts at 6 PM. Enjoy a cool beverage or a hot chocolate as we watch the decorated boats make their way around Lake Tarpon.. Check out our events page for more info. Happy Holidays! Website
Palm Valley
Boat Parade
December 14th 2013 at 6:00pm
Begins South of the Palm Valley Bridge. Captains Meeting will be healed December 3rd at 7:00pm ( American Legion Post 233). For More Information call 904-280-2555 or e-mail Kelly at
Panama City Beach
27th Annual Boat Parade of Lights
November 30th 2013 5:30pm
The annual Boat Parade of Lights comes to St. Andrews and Panama City. Thousands of spectators gather every year to celebrate Christmas with the beautiful site of lighted boats on the water.
Boats light up St. Andrews Bay starting at 5:30 PM off St. Andrew Bay Yacht Club. The boats pass by Panama City Marina (arriving about 5:40 PM), then travel to St. Andrews Marina (first boats arriving about 6:15 PM) where the parade ends. Free parking and viewing at both marinas. Website
Grand Lagoon Christmas Parade
December TBA
Parade departs Bay Point Marina and travels down Grand Lagoon past the Boatyard Restaurant, Captain Andersons, Treasure Island and Pirates Cove then returns to 30 Degree Blue at Bay Point Marina to celebrate until....
Lighted Boat Parade
December 6th 2013 6:00pm
Pensacola Beach Marina to Flounder's. The sparkling spectacle of decorated vessels parading against a dark December sky delights those watching from the shore or a waterfront Beach business. Children are given light sticks to illuminate the Flounder's landing site. Dozens of captains compete for prizes as the nautical parade delivers Santa Claus officially to the Island. Santa's Workshop will host children of all ages to whisper into Santa's ear. Free. (850) 932-1500 Website
Pine Island
Pine Island Lighted Christmeas Boat Parade
December 14, 2013 6:00pm
Enter your boat or watch the festive procession from one of the local canal-front restaurants and other viewing areas. The parade starts at 6 p.m. and parties follow throughout the island. or call 410-703-4462
Gasparilla Marina Christmas Boat Parade
December 14th, 2013 6:00pm
Gasparilla Marina Christmas Boat Parade. Saturday, Dec. 14, 6 p.m.
The parade of boats leaves the marina at 6:00 p.m. heading north on the Intracoastal to Palm Island, then back to the marina for the awarding of prizes at the marina's Waterside Grill restaurant. 15001 Gasparilla Road, Placida. Tel: 941-697-2280
Pompano Beach
Boat Parade
December 8th 2013 6:00pm
Starts at Lake St. Barbara and travels north on the Intracoastal Waterway to The Hillsboro Blvd bridgeOne of the oldest Holiday Boat Parades in the Nation. This annual event in December is brought to the community by the dedication of business and volunteers in the area. Committee members direct plans for parties, posters, advertising, special events such as the Captain's Party with the culmination of approximately 50-75 brightly decorated boats illuminating our waterway. The boat parade has no boat entry fee. Sponsorship is available. Website
Punta Gorda
A Different Kind of Parade
December 21st, 2013 6:00 pm
Viewers get up very close to the boats at this parade that includes carolers, performers and great decorations. The 7.5-mile route is within the canal system of Punta Gorda Isles starting at Albatross Lagoon and finishing with a Grand Parade Circle at Yellow Fish Lagoon.
We're Commercial Free ! No entry fees, no judging, just a great time! No worries from winds or tides. It's Smooth Sailing as the entire parade is within protected waters of the PGI canal system.
We have More Participation Than Any Other Lighted Boat Parade on the Gulf Coast . Website
Punta Gorda, Charlotte Harbor
24th Annual Peace River Lighted Boat Parade
December 15th 2013 6:00pm ( Yes, It is on Sunday)
The festive display of lights and gorgeous reflections on the water make this annual event a definite must see! Viewings from land or on the harbor by chartered cruise or personal watercraft.
Admission: Free Tel: (941) 769-0002 Website
Redington Beach/Indian Shores
Boat Parade
December 15th 2013, 6:00pm
Starting at Tom Stewart Causeway Docking at the Pub. 727-391-3875 Website Contact Missy Clake for more details.
Alafia Lighted 29th Annual Lighted Boat Parade
December 7th, 2013 5:00pm
"The Rotary Club of FishHawk-Riverview would like to announce on Saturday, Dec. 7th t, we will be holding our 29th Annual Alafia Lighted Boat Parade and Chili Cook Off. We have two boat entry divisions: Large Boats of 23 ft and above and Small Boats 22 ft and below. Cash prizes totaling $1,500.00 will be divided among the 1st and 2nd place winners in each division. The public is invited to view all the boats and partake of all the planed events. Starting at 5pm there will be Music, Entertainment, food and libations, Kids rides and activities, free photos with Santa, a Chili Cook Off and Silent Raffle, event will end at 9pm. Public entrance into the event is free and will be held at the Showmen's Club, 6915 Riverview Dr., Riverview, Fl. For more information, and entry forms for your boat, or the Chili Cook Off, please Hope to see you there!"
Christmas Boat Parade of Lights
December 14th, 2013 6:00 pm
The best areas for viewing are Marina Jack Restaurant, Bayfront Park, City Island and Centennial Park.
The Parade route has been expanded by an additional turn marker at the southwest side of Bayfront Park. All boats must now pass approximately one third of the Sarasota Bay side of Bayfront Park within a few yards, to be considered for judging. The Bayfront Park spectator viewing area has been expanded to include the entire Northern tip of island near the fountain.. The VIP viewing area has been moved to the Marina Jack's fuel dock to allow additional space for spectators. This will improve spectator viewing from Bayfront Park considerably. The SNN 6 local news staff will be covering the event throughout the evening at several areas throughout Marina Jack. Website
Satellite Beach
Grand Canal Holiday Boat Parade
December 21st 2013 6:00pm to 8:00 Pm
Join the Banana River Sail and Power Squadron on Saturday, December 21st for the boat parade. All boaters line up near the Pineda Causeway and follow the Satellite Beach Police Boat Patrol down the Grand Canal. For more info, visit the webiste
St Augustine
Holiday Regatta of Lights
December 14th 2013 6:00 pm (Matanzas Bay)
Beginning at 6 p.m., a holiday parade of boats including sailboats, trawlers, shrimp boats, and many other vessels featuring brilliant lighted displays ranging from patriotic to whimsical will light up St. Augustine's Matanzas Bay between the Bridge of Lions and Castillo de San Marcos. Awards will be made for the best theme, most colorful, best in class, and best overall. The Regatta of Lights is sponsored by the St. Augustine Yacht Club. For more information, call 904.824.9725 or visit Website
The 2013 Regatta of Lights boat parade in St. Augustine is hosted by The St. Augustine Yacht Club and is sponsored by SJC Tourist Development Council, St. Augustine Port, Waterway & Beach District and The Florida Inland Navigation District.
St Pete/South Pasadena
St. Pete Beach and South Pasadena Holiday Lighted Boat Parade
Friday December 6th 2013
The St. Pete Beach/South Pasadena Holiday Lighted Boat Parade will be lighting up the waters of Boca Ciega Bay on Friday, December 9th beginning at 6pm in South Pasadena and traveling south towards Pass-a-Grille. All are invited to come to the Viewing Party, Tree Lighting and Concert in Horan Park, 7701 Boca Ciega Drive, to watch the boat parade as it passes by the Community Center.
Conatct: Info: 727-363-9245
St Pete/Vina Del Mar
Pass-a-Grille/Vina Del Mar Parade
December 7th 2013 6:00pm (Rain Date December 8th)
The parade starts in Pass-A-Grille at the Merry Pier at Dusk 6:00pm, Cash Prizes: Sail, Motor, Most Creative & Luckiest Boat. All forms can be downloaded by going to the Merry Pier website
St Petersburg
27th Annual Illuminated Boat Parade
December 14th, 2013 6:00 pm
Organized by the Rotary Club of St Petersburg, the annual Bruce Watters Jewelers Holiday Festival and Illuminated Boat Parade returns to downtown St. Petersburg this December 14, 2013. The Holiday Festival begins at 3:00pm with great live entertainment, plenty of food and drinks(including beer & wine), a variety of children's activities and the spectacular 27th Annual Illuminated Boat Parade at 6:00pm. Proceeds from the Holiday Festival and Illuminated Boat Parade benefit local charities through the Rotary Club of St Petersburg Charitable Trust, a 501(c)3 non-profit.
The parade travels from Bayboro, passing in front of the Pier, near the shoreline in and around the Vinoy Basin and back out into Tampa Bay. For more information or to enter your boat in the parade, please, email us at or call 727-822-3277
Stuart (Martin County)
The 30th Annual Martin County Christmas Boat Parade.
December7th, 2013 at 6:00pm, Sandsprit Park, Port Salerno, FL
Festivities begin at 6:00PM at the following viewing stations: Flagler Park & City Docks (staging area), Martin Memorial Hospital, Sandsprit Park and Manatee Pocket.
Captain's Meeting Dec 6, 2013 5:00PM at Meridian Marina; 1400 SW Chapman Way Palm City For registration information please call 772-692-7599 Website
Hillsborough River Holiday Boat Parade
December 8th, 2013 6:00 ( Free)
Paddlers & Boaters alike are welcome and needed for this magical boat parade on the beautiful Hillsborough - anything that floats qualifies! Decorate your boat and put in at Lowry Park boat ramp at 5:30 pm to be part of the parade that goes upriver with an incoming tide to the Sulphur Springs City Pool Park off Nebraska Ave. To ensure safety of all participants, paddlers lead this parade, followed by powerboats.Spectators may enjoy the parade of lights over the water -6:00 pm - 7:00 pm at: Lowry Park, from their riverfront docks (riverfront residents are encouraged to decorate their docks and enter their boats in the parade) or at Sulphur Springs City Pool Park - Nebraska Avenue south of Bird St., where there's plenty of parking, room for viewing the parade.
Twinkle In Tampa Bay: A Holiday Lighted Boat Parade
Channelside Boat Parade
December 21st 2013
The Holiday Lighted Boat Parade takes place on 21 December at 6:30pm along the water at the by Davis Island, Harbour Island and the Channelside District. Come watch these festively decorated boats illuminate the sky and spread holiday cheer. Come down to Channelside Bay Plaza and enjoy the parade from the open wharf! You will be able to see the parade along the a great stretch of land from Davis Island to Channelside. Channelside Bay Plaza, located in the Channelside district of Tampa, is near downtown Tampa and easily accessible from the Selmon Expressway as well at I-4 and I-275 and a great place to enjoy yourself before or after the parade. Parking is available at several public parking lots. At Channelside you can find a wide variety of restaurants from Hooters to Bennigan's and everything in between. Across the street from Channelside is a multi-level parking structure.
Bay Crest Boat Parade
December 7th. 2013 7:00pm
Parade will start at the main entrance to the channel leading to Bay Crest Park.
Tarpon Springs
Bpat Parade
December 6th, 2013 8:00pm
Our Christmas Boat Parade will be on the 1st Friday again this year (December 6th). All the information should be the same from previous years, except we have moved it from Saturday to Friday.
We now combine it with a new event (this year, our 2nd annual!) Snow Place Like Tarpon. The boat parade comes into Spring Bayou around 8:00 pm, as always, but we now have live reindeer, falling snow, food, vendors, carriage and hay rides and about 30,000 people! I have never seen a more successful first-time event!!! We have expanded it a block this year, going the full three blocks from Ring Avenue to Spring Bayou and down Safford Street. The kids' area will also have Christmas movies, as well as inflatables, games, food and a lot of fun!
Treasure Island
Treasure Island Holiday Boat Parade
December 21st 2013 ( Rain Date December 22nd)
Treasure Island's Holiday Boat Parade is like Las Vegas on the water - dazzlingly decorated boats of all kinds circle the city on one special night, Saturday, December 21, 2013, in friendly competition for top prizes awarded that evening at the Treasure Island Yacht & Tennis Club.
Residents with Treasure Island waterfront homes host humungous boat parade parties but if you haven't received an invitation, not to worry - there are plenty of prime viewing spots on the island. Website
The Treasure Island Causeway Bridge will close to vehicular traffic at 7pm on December 21, 2013 for approximately 30 to 45 minutes to allow the boat parade to pass through.
Venice Christmas Boat Parade
December 7th, 2013
Christmas in Venice...the lights, the palm tress, the waterways. Celebrate the holiday season by decorating your boat and joining in the fun! There is no better way to start the Christmas Season than by joining the fun and participating in the Venice Boat Parade of Lights. Contact Information John Osmulski at 809-8100 or email us at Website
Vero Beach (Indian River County)
Vero Beach Parade
December 6th, 2013 6:30
Festivities begin at 6:00PM with the Tree Lighting Ceremony conducted by city officials at Royal Palm Point. Boat parade begins in the intracoastal waterway between the bridges and finishes at the Vero Beach City Marina.
Viewing stations - Royal Palm Point and Vero Beach City Marina.
Owners of small boats (with a draft of four feet and under) and large boats (with a draft of over four feet) are invited to be part of the Holiday Boat Parade. Boats will begin their parade from the north side of the Barber Bridge in the Intracoastal Waterway, proceed south to Quail Valley and return to the starting point. There will be two viewings of the colorfully lit boats from the dock at Royal Palm Pointe between 6:45 and 7:45 p.m. Emcees Dan and Geoff from The Morning Show-The Breeze FM will announce the details. Following the parade trophies will be presented to the winners in the decorative, originality, crew participation, audio and light and quality of execution categories Website
Weeki Wachee
Weeki Wachee River Lighted Christmas Boat Parade
Saturday, Dec. 8 2012 at 6:30 p.m
The parade, open to all boat owners, starts at the Weeki Wachee Marina and travels past Rogers Park to the Bayport Pier.
Price: Entry fee is an unwrapped toy or cash donation, to be donated to the Dawn Center; no cost for spectators.
Winter Haven
28th Chain of Lakes Christmas Boat Parade
December 7, 2013 6:30pm
Winter Haven will present it's 28th "Chain of Lakes Christmas Boat Parade on Saturday evening, December 7, 2013 The parade begins on Lake May beginning at 6:30 p.m.Boats travel to lakes Shipp, Howard and Cannon led by Santa himself. For more information contact Contact: Bob Gernert. (863) 293-2138
Update for 2013: The Greater Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce's Christmas Boat Parade is adding the two lakes back to the annual event now that canals linking them are more navigable. That means Saturday's parade will loop through six of the city's lakes - also visiting Lakes May, Shipp, Howard and Cannon.
Winter Park
Winter Park Boat Parade Festival of Lights
December 14th, 2013 6:45
Festivities will kick off at 4 pm in the Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens with food, wine, and holiday music while the crowds waits for the sun to set for the main event of boats lined up in Christmas Lights. At dusk, the boat parade will begin on Lake Virginia and continue thru Palm Canal onto Lake Osceola making its way over to the museum, going by the Museum around 6:45 PM for judging. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to enjoy the parade with family and friends.
A Ski show will be hosted at Rollins College on Lake Virginia prior to the the lighted boat parade begining at sundown (approximately 6 pm) on Lake Virginia on the eastern shore by Dinky Dock and proceeds to Lake Osceola. Website