My Fishing Wingman

May 2014 Brady L. Kay

When I looked up the definition of a “wingman,” the most common response that I came across on the web is, “A pilot who supports another in a potentially dangerous flying environment.” Funny, I’ve always thought of a wingman as the guy whom you bring along on singles outings that helps you out with the women. You know the guy who is there to “occupy” the least attractive girl of the pair so that you may engage in conversation with the hot friend?

Thankfully my single days are well behind me, so I’d like to tweak the definition for wingman a little: “A go-to person when you’re in need of help.” For me an editorial wingman would have to be PDB assistant editor Katie Burke who is always good at double checking my grammar. Graphic artist R.D. Dye would have to be my humor wingman when I’m looking to inject a funny phrase or line into my column.

But since fishing is on my mind today I’d like to recognize a lost, yet not forgotten, wingman—my Clackin’ Rap 06 from Rapala that I lost in the rocks last summer. Okay, so it might seem more humorous than tragic, but all fishermen have that go-to lure in their tackle box that they just have to go to when faced with a possibility of being skunked.

I love new lures. In fact, as I type I’ve got both the spring catalogs from Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s opened to the sections on lures. I guess it’s just that time of the year when you’re close enough to the prime fishing season that you can start taking a peek at the latest in lures and fishing gear.

When I go fishing I enjoy testing new tackle because you never know when that next big thing is going to come along. If it has a chance at success, it goes in my tackle box until it proves otherwise. But as much fun as it is to try new things, it can also be frustrating fishing with new lures when you know your wingman is sitting in the top tray of your box just waiting for a chance to come through for you yet again.

For me the Clackin’ Rap 06 was the perfect lure that seemed to almost be tailor-made for my area. I had tested the Clackin’ Rap 08 when it first came out, but for the small mouth bass I was fishing for it didn’t work for me. I liked the concept, but the size was just too big. When Rapala announced its smaller version was being released I was ready to get in line that day for a chance to buy it.

After trying it out the first time, it was love at first bite and it quickly became my wingman. I’m a generous guy, but this is one lure that I wasn’t quick to loan out. It’s not that I didn’t trust my friends, I just didn’t want them having success with it.

But then one afternoon on a reservoir about an hour from my house the worst case scenario happened—rocks! While trying to position my Clackin’ Rap 06 in just the right spot it got snagged and then broke off. This wasn’t the first time I had come close to losing it, but somehow despite pleas from my friends to just let it go I always seemed to find it. However, this time around I wasn’t so lucky. My little wingman was a goner. Lost to the lake. It was close to a shore so I spent more time then I care to admit looking for it. One friend even offered to buy me another one, but that didn’t make my day any better. I left the spot in my tackle box open until I was able to replace it. I placed my order online and then patiently waited by my mailbox until I was finally reunited with my wingman.

What’s your most successful lure? Send an email to and let me know what your wingman tackle is, along with your state. It’s time to get excited about the upcoming fishing season and I can hardly wait.  



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