Behind The Scenes

Catching up with BRP’s Bill Clauser

Published in the June 2014 Issue June 2014 Feature Brady L. Kay

At times, the annual PDB Shootout feels more like an industry reunion than a boat test as manufacturers, dealers and engine representatives all come together to support our testing event. Over the years we’ve acquired a collection of regulars to our Shootout that help make life on the dock a little more enjoyable and our tests that much smoother. One of those industry staples is Senior Applications Engineer Bill Clauser who has been supporting our boat tests for years and always comes ready to work.

At our 2014 Shootout we had a chance to catch up with Clauser who has been with Bombardier Recreational Products since 2001 and was with Outboard Marine Corporation (OMC) who used to manufacture Evinrude and Johnson outboards.

“I was with OMC before the bankruptcy and then I came back in July 2001 after BRP bought the assets and I’ve been with the company ever since,” says Clauser. “I’ve been in and out of this industry over the years, but I always come back to the marine business because it’s a fun industry.”

Chosen Profession

Clauser grew up near a small lake where he spent the summer months water skiing and being around the water. When he was in high school he went to work for a dealer part-time, which ended up influencing his career path.

“I needed a summer job to buy gas for the boat so it made sense to work at a boat shop,” recalls Clauser. “I’m been fortunate to be in the marine industry. Obviously when it's sunny and warm and I'm working on the water while my friends are stuck in an office it has its benefits. Then there are the days when it's 35 degrees and raining, which is not nearly as much fun.”

Despite the difference in the weather, Clauser’s love for what he does as well as the enjoyment he receives when helping others is what keeps him going.

“What I really like most about my job as an applications engineer is that most days I feel like I can make a difference by solving problems for my builders,” explains Clauser. “I have worked with many of the same boat builders for years and consider them not just clients, but friends too. They know if they call my cell phone on a Sunday morning or late at night I will probably answer. My feeling is that if they’re calling me late at night or on a weekend they have a big problem that they need help with. They know I will do all I can to help them out.”

Pontoon Power

Clauser serves the entire boating industry, but has kept a close eye on the pontoon segment as he’s watched the focus shift from cruising to performance models. As more emphasis has been placed on performance in the pontoon industry, the line of Evinrude E-TEC outboards has continued to shine.

“Everything has changed from the old carbureted two-stroke motors that we all grew up with,” says Clauser. “Technology has advanced and the EPA has tightened up standards so we all had to get better at building a better piece of machinery. It’s obvious the way the E-TECs runs that it’s more fuel efficient, quieter and more reliable today when compared to engines years ago.”

A lot of engine manufacturers are building four-stroke outboards today, but Evinrude has remained loyal to the technology by perfecting the two-stroke for today’s higher standards.

“One advantage E-TEC outboards have over our competitors is the two-stroke advantage,” says Clauser. “The power to weight ratio provides better acceleration and the heavier the load, the more we see the advantage of the two-stroke.”

Getting Specific

As pontoon boats become more popular in the industry, it was just a matter of time before an engine manufacturer created something specific to cater to this niche. That company was BRP and its recent release of the Pontoon Series of E-TEC outboards has been well received.

“For many years I always thought we needed to concentrate on the pontoon market,” says Clauser. “We’ve all watched the pontoon market go from your grandparents pontoon boat with a carbureted 40 horse to now were talking 300 horsepower at 55 miles per hour on a luxury pontoon that is 50, 60 to 100,000 dollars. It’s quite a change in the evolution of the industry.”

Helpful Hand

At the annual PDB Shootout boat test, all pontoon and deck boat manufacturers are invited to have its newest models for the upcoming year tested and reviewed. While a lot of the focus is on the boat, how well the engine performs is also factored into the review. This is where engine reps like Clauser come in to assure the boat has the right propeller, that it shifts smoothly and performs correctly.

“We’re here to support any manufacturer who brings an E-TEC to the Shootout,” says Clauser. “The format for boat testing allows guys like me a wide variety of different types of boats to try different styles of props and setup to make sure they run well for the test. Some days it can get a little hectic, but it helps us to understand how the new designs the boat builders come up with perform. Plus it allows us to give good feedback to the OEMs of what we see with their new boats.” 

This year’s Shootout will be paired up with our PDB Days event that will be held on Table Rock Lake in Branson, Mo., The two-day event kicks off Friday, September 19 at the Chateau on the Lake and for the first time ever the public is invited. We hope to see everyone at our event this year, and of course that especially includes Clauser who we know will be on hand to make sure we all the Evinrude E-TEC outboards are running smooth.  

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