Maintenance Tips For Summer

June 2014 Industry

This year, before you get your boat on the water, be sure to give it the “once over” and check your boat to ensure that everything is in proper working order. Falcon Safety Products Inc. encourages boaters to look over the boating checklist and make sure that their summer adventures will be as comfortable and enjoyable as they should be.

First, check the hull and deck of the boat for any wear, cracking or any other degradation. Checking propellers during the basic boat checking is also very important. Once the larger areas have been cleared, fasteners and fittings should be inspected for snug and secure placement.

Inspection and preventative maintenance will help control any future repairs and checkups and add longevity to your boat. After looking over the larger and mechanical components of the boat, looking into the electrical systems and engine systems is next on the captain’s checklist. Check over electrical fittings and make sure that the battery is charged and will continue to hold the charge. Look out for fraying in the wires and repair if necessary. Check all fluid levels and make sure they’re clean and acceptable to run in the engine. Also remember to check fire extinguishers, life jackets and make sure there is a sound-producing device onboard such as the Falcon ECO Sound Marine Horn, which is a non-flammable horn. Making sure that this checklist is adhered to will ensure a safe and amazing boating season. (908-707-4900/

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