The paddle in our April issue was hidden along the sandy beach on page 60. It blended in so well with the sand that it was hard to see. Here are the first 10 readers to find it.
Mark Joncas - South Berwick, Maine
Ryan Brauckmuller - Moorhead, Minn.
Dale Hughes - Sterling Heights, Mich.
Alan Craig - Antioch Ill.
Gary Scheidegger - Fremont, Wis.
Ralph andGenevieve Ehrhart - Jerseyville Ill.
Dick Smith -Winona, Minn.
W W Johnson - Flagstaff, Ariz.
Ken Braun - Hartford Wis.
Delmar Deren - Stoughton, Sask. Canada
We’ve hidden the same paddle within the pages of this issue. Find it and send an email with its location, your name and hometown to the email address: The first few to locate the paddle will have their names and city published in an upcoming issue of PDB. Happy hunting!