Q Knots, D-Wings and Flexi-Ties help organize messy cables, wires or any other nautical/camping gear. Q Knot is a multi-purpose reusable rubber tie that is stretchable and flexible with non-slip gripping “teeth.” Great for tying snack bags for camping or boating. MSRP $2.99-3.99.
D-Wings are specially designed for on-the-go organization to help keep loose cords from navigation systems, phone chargers and auxiliary cables organized with its easy peel, stick-and-stay design. MSRP: $4.99-$7.99. Flexi Ties are reusable cushion ties that flex and twist to easily organize cords for storage and are ideal for wrapping up docking ropes. MSRP: $8.59. (www.UT-Wire.com)