The paddle in our May issue was hidden on the table beside a box of cookies on page 49. Here are the first 10 readers to find it:
Richard Burchill—Budd Lake, N.J.
Mark Joncas—South Berwick, Maine
Adam Ingerman—Houston, Texas
Collin Meyer—Racine, Wis.
W W "Johnny" Johnson— Flagstaff, Ariz.
Ralph & Genevieve Ehrhart—Jerseyville , Ill.
Jeremy & Laura Sankey—Byrnes Mill, Mo.
Fred Waterhouse—Stafford Springs, Conn.
Bud Crary— Toledo, Ohio
Gary Abel— Maumee, Ohio
We have hidden the same paddle somewhere in the pages of this issue. If you find it, send an email with the location, your name, and your hometown to The first 10 to locate the paddle will have their name and hometown published in an upcoming issue of PDB. Good luck.