Think Pink!

November 2014 Web Exclusive

In 2015 Misty Harbor wants us to Think Pink! Misty Harbor is taking a stand along side every daughter, sister, wife, mother and friend who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. “We’re wanting to give our customers the opportunity to join us in our attempt to help find a cure for breast cancer,” stated Jeff Martin, Misty Harbor’s Director of Sales and Marketing. Misty Harbor is offering a special edition graphics package on their 2015 Biscayne Bay and Skye model pontoon boats that sport a stylish splash of pink complete with ribbons. Each of these boats generates a contribution to the American Cancer Society’s: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer program via the Des Moines, Iowa region’s Relay for Life event next spring.

“We believe women like Teresa Alesch are heroic examples of bravery and an enduring example of what it means to carry on and live the life she imagines.” Martin is referring to the model who appears in Misty Harbor’s 2015 brochure that promotes their special breast cancer awareness package. Mrs. Alesch is a local school administrator in northwest Iowa, and was diagnosed with breast cancer in her early thirties. Though her cancer spread to other areas of her body, Teresa courageously went through the various methods of treatment and now enjoys a full life with her husband and two children.

The American Cancer Society seeks to create a world where we have less cancer and more birthdays. Part of that is getting the word out to the public and to remind women of the importance of self-exams and regular check-ups over the age of fifty. Studies have found that the earlier cancer is detected the chances for healing greatly increase. Mix together a proper diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle and the occurrence of cancer is significantly reduced. As far as having a healthy lifestyle goes, boating is a fantastic way to relax, recharge and restore your mental and emotional state. Therefore Misty Harbor is connecting the pleasure of recreational boating with the importance of taking care of yourself and those you love. “I was asked, ‘So do you think guys want to have pink graphics on their boats,’ and my response is absolutely! Every guy I know cares about the women and girls in his life; I am married and have three daughters, a sister, three nieces and a mom who all mean the world to me,” Martin stated. He hopes that the pink on Misty Harbor boats will serve as a reminder of how important it is to take care of yourself and loved ones.

When asked how Misty Harbor came up with the idea to offer this package, Martin traced a thread of relationships that connected the dots. Misty Harbor is owned by Dave and Lisa Wilson who are good friends and neighbors with Liddy Hora, a hospital representative for American Cancer Society. Lisa walks daily with her friend and they talk about a number of issues that are important to women’s health and what’s being done to successfully find a cure.

Jeff Martin is also friends with Mrs. Hora who once led his oldest daughter through a teen girls program, “I started bouncing ideas to Liddy about what Misty Harbor might be able to do to help the American Cancer Society find a cure, I told her that we wanted to find a way to help not only from a personal level but more broadly as a boat builder.”  Though Misty Harbor annually contributes to their local Relay for Life event, Lisa and Jeff discussed the new idea for a graphics package that could be added to 2015 year model boats and then took it to the design team at Misty Harbor. “Our hope is that we are able to match the fastest growing boat market in the U.S. to an issue that seeks to provide healing to so many,” stated Martin.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, one in eight women will be diagnosed with Breast cancer in their lifetime which is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in women. It’s a subject that we will all encounter whether male or female at some point during our life times, and now Misty Harbor is seeking to unite their customer base with the opportunity to show support, make a statement, and think pink on the water. “We believe life is better in Misty Harbor, and we want to invite our customers to help find the cure for breast cancer by joining together and adding a little bit of pink on the water!” concluded Martin.  

Cancer is hard but finding help shouldn’t be. If you or a loved one are dealing with any type of cancer contact the American Cancer Society for support at 1-800-227-2345.

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