Pontoons have really taken off in the boating market over the last few years, and the more people who discover the party barge lifestyle, the more are converted. Trade Only Today decided to do a little more analysis and track down what states seemed to be hottest in the pontoon market, and their results came with a big surprise! To conduct their study, they counted every time Boat Trader site visitors viewed a page with a pontoon model on it from November 1, 2013, to October 31, 2014.
Some of what they found was foreseeable: those states packed with high populations, like Texas and Florida, loomed near the top of the study results.
Midwestern states like Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio came through next to show that shorter boating seasons don't stop people from loving pontoons, followed by California and two Southerners, North Carolina and Tennessee.
But what they didn't expect was the turn-up of the dark horse that swooped in as the winner—Georgia, with 7.9 percent of all the pontoon views collected. Right on, Georgia! To read the study results for yourself, go to Trade Only Today and check it out.