Everybody knows that engine oil is an essential component to keeping your boat running as smoothly as possible. But just how smoothly? An oil sample analysis can give you the answers you're looking for. It's recommended that you perform an OSA once a year to make sure your engine is itting pretty. Multiple analyses over time will inform you of trends in your engine's wear and help you identify problem areas before they occur. Typically, the OSA will include the following information:
- Spectral Exam: diplays the quantity of additives and metals in the oil, as well as the composition of the additives. Will also give you an idea of the wear and tear on bearings, cylinders, rings, etc.
- Viscosity Test: basically, the thickness of the oil. Also checks for contamination.
- Flash Point: tests the temperature at which the oil vapor combusts. Essentially, it's to make sure you get the right oil for your engine. You don't want oil that combusts too early or too late.
- Insoluables Test: just what it sounds like. Looks for any solid materials that will abrade the engine parts.
An OSA usually runs about $25. Your local repair shop can perform the oil sample analysis for you, or you can do it by mail as well.