I usually don't pay any attention to online quizzes. You know the kind: the "Can we guess your zodiac sign based on random questions" or "How posh is your cat?" or "Can we guess what your ideal vacation is?" kind of quizzes. They're...what's the word I'm looking for...a waste of my time, to say it charitably. I already know the answers to those questions, Buzzfeed, but thanks anyway. (In case you're wondering, my answers are "Aries," "the poshiest cat who ever poshed past the posh parlor," and "Australian shoreline.")
When I saw the American Red Cross had posted its own "Summer Swim Safety Quiz," I was surprised. The American Red Cross doesn't seem the clickbait type, so I decided to take the quiz, thinking I would breeze through it. Boy, was I wrong. Two minutes later, I sat back in my chair and submitted my answers. I got 20 percent correct. That's 1 out 5, an F. Astounded (and a little embarrassed, too), I reevaluated my life. What about my annual summer swim lessons? All the times I spent on the beach? And what about summers spent tubing and relaxing on the water up North? Turns out, I don't know as much about swimming safety as I thought. With boating season already here, friends and family will want to stay cool in the water. If you score better than 1 correct (it's harder than it sounds; trust me), give yourself a pat on the back. If not, better brush up on swimming safety knowledge. The American Red Cross has a handy list of suggestions here: www.redcross.org/prepare/disaster/water-safety/swim-safety
For the past 100 years, the American Red Cross has helped millions of kids, teens, and adults learn how to swim. They're working to cut drowning rates in half by teaching even more people basic safety techniques, but an average of 10 Americans die from unintentional drowning every day. Both adults and children need to learn the basics of swim safety before taking the plunge, so make safety your top priority this summer. You can learn more about the American Red Cross and even sign up for safety classes in your area on their website, www.redcross.org.
Take the swimming safety quiz here: www.redcross.org/lp/water-safety-quiz