New Harris Pontoon Debuts at Miami | Pontoon & Deck Boat Magazine
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New Harris Pontoon Debuts at Miami

February 2016 Industry, News Web Exclusive

Brunswick Corporation debuted a brand-new Harris pontoon at the Miami International Boat Show last week. As part of the V series of boats, the V270 features a center console with a fiberglass body and is positioned to appeal to higher-end buyers. 

Notable features of the boat include a full pumpout marine head compartment with freshwater shower, a vanity compartment, a sink, and a stainless-steel faucet that with a 24-gallon freshwater and 15-gallon blackwater tank, all of which is housed below deck in the center pontoon. There’s also a galley with a faucet, sink, and stainless steel fridge. 

According to Harris president Nick Stickler, “Simply said, the V270 is built to perfection. The V270 will make your days on the water fun and stress-free because it offers what boaters have been asking for — the stability and ease of boarding of a pontoon with the conveniences found on off-shore center console boats.” 

The V270 also has such innovations as slider bases and powered backrests on the double-helm seats, as well as large touchscreen displays and chrome gauges for the console. For more information, visit

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