Little enhances the appearance of a boat like gleaming, mirror-like parts and fittings. All marine metals require periodic maintenance to prevent corrosion, extend their life and preserve their lustrous shine.
Stainless steel has an invisible, protective or passive layer of chromium oxide. In a marine environment, pollutants, contaminants and salt can pit this protective film, leading to potential deterioration.
Maintaining the finish on a Schmitt & Ongaro wheel or horn is simple. Owners should regularly clean the stainless steel with mild, biodegradable soap and water. Once dry, boat wax can be applied to remove stains, enhance the item's shine and add a layer of protection. If rust is noticed, even from contact with a non-stainless part, a household metal cleaner should be used.
Owners should avoid using abrasives such as steel wool or powdered kitchen cleansers. Bleach, mineral acids, and even some common boat cleaners can also be harmful to the stainless finish. When in doubt, boaters should stick with the basics.