114 Miles Per Hour, Take Two

September 2016 News Web Exclusive

According to LakeExpo.com, racer Brad Rowland tied his Lake of the Ozarks Shootout pontoon record on August 27 with another 114 mph run.

You might remember reading about the first time Rowland hit 114 miles per hour last year in his previous pontoon, the Tooned In. This year, Rowland showed off his speed in the Tooned In II, a 2015 25-foot South Bay Pontoon powered by three 3.0 liter Pro Max Merc 300 outboards. Though he hasn’t yet hit 120 miles per hour, Rowland is sure to keep on trying until he gets there, breaking records all the while. To check out more of the race’s 2016 results, click here!

Photo by Justin Pfeifer

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