Pontooning might be a popular sport in many parts of the country, but that’s especially true at Deep Creek Lake, Md., where people line up in the morning during the summer for their rental boat to take advantage of cool water, cool breezes and cool experiences! The Fourth of July weekend is no exception, only more of a reason, especially on a pontoon. Deep Creek is the largest man-made freshwater lake in Maryland, having been created in 1925 after years of clear cutting timber and roads being covered by water as deep as 50 feet. Its sole purpose was to harness power by the Youghiogheny Hydro Electric Corporation for environs like Pittsburg, Pa.
Located in the western part of Maryland among the Appalachian Mountains, logging, farming and outdoor recreation were common before the lake was built. Interstate 68, built in 1991, goes directly east to west by the northern Maryland/Pennsylvania border, increasing its popularity. As an alternative to the ocean (particularly Ocean City and Rehoboth) for Washington, DC, northern Virginia and Baltimore residents, the less congested and easily reached destination offered refreshing weather and a plethora of water activities. The Pittsburg populace also found the area enticing, just a few hours away.
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