Adjusting the height of your fenders has never been faster or easier than with the new, no-drilling-required, Quick Cleat heavy-duty portable pontoon rail fender clip. Simply place the clip on your ‘toon’s rail and slip the fender rope into the slot on the cleat. Downward pressure engages it and the heavy-duty construction holds the rope securely while pulling upward adjusts the fender. To release the rope, or adjust downward, simply rotate the cam out of the way and release the rope. The Quick Cleat ($39.95) works with 1/4-inch to 3/8-inch standard fender ropes and 1/2-inch soft/hollow fender ropes and is designed to fit the most common 1 1/4-inch square pontoon rails. For more info, give 800-975-3809 a call or visit www.quick-cleat.com.