A Brazilian Vacation at the Float Inn

Secluded cove is a little paradise

Published in the June 2024 Issue February 2025 Adventures, Feature Brady L. Kay

The Float Inn
is a resort created in a secluded cove on Igaratá, a lake that was formed when the Jaguari River was dammed in 1969. It's a 12-minute boat ride from the Paraíso Naútico Boat Club to the Float Inn known as Vila Kabokla.

The island resort is 100 percent ecological and self-sustainable, with solar energy panels and an integrated biodigester. Arranged in floating villages, the six individual units were made at the VCAT plant and include a bed, Wi-Fi, sink, toilet and shower, along with a private and magnificent view of nature and the surrounding environment from your own back deck. 

The resort also includes a variety of seafood, meat, pasta and vegetarian options at its restaurant that is prepared with great care by a personal chef. As part of our trip, we stayed at the Float Inn and the two meals we had may have been the two best of the entire trip.

Kayaks, SUPs and other recreational toys are provided so you can truly experience nature up close or retreat to the upper deck structure to enjoy the slide or simply relax under the canvas top. 

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