Know Your Navigation Lights

Essential Tips for Safe Night Cruising

July 2024 Feature, How To, Videos Discover Boating Web Exclusive

Discover Boating, powered by NMMA and MRAA, in collaboration with Progressive Insurance®, released the fifth video in its “Top Safe Boating Tips" series. The video titled, Know Your Navigation Lights: Essential Tips for Safe Night Cruising, covers the importance of using your boat’s navigation lights correctly. By understanding and following navigation light rules and regulations, boaters can protect themselves and fellow boaters while out on the water at night or times of reduced visibility. The video reviews various safety tips, including different navigation lights and how they are used, the importance of regular maintenance, and how to learn more about their boat’s navigation lights.

The final episode in the latest video series can be viewed below and on Discover Boating's YouTube channel. The five-part series covers crucial safety topics that all boaters need to be aware of for a worry-free day on the water, including the following topics:

To further engage current boaters and the next generation, Discover Boating and Progressive strategically created these short-form videos (in addition to longer form versions) that can be shared on social channels, such as TikTok and Instagram—popular platforms Discover Boating’s target audiences use to consume digital content. Discover Boating will also be sharing the new videos via consumer email distributions and on its websites in the U.S. and Canada.

All boating safety videos from Discover Boating and Progressive are viewable/shareable here. Industry stakeholders are encouraged to view and share these safety videos on your social media channels, consumer emails, brand website or play it on loop in showrooms, to provide valuable safe boating content for your customers.

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