A lot of marine products come down to personal preference as far as deciding if you really should have or need it onboard or not. However, you could make a strong case for why every boat on the water should have the Marine 600 First Aid Kit. Forget boats, your tow vehicle should probably have one too or possibly one of the similar versions offered by Adventure Medical Kits.
There are a lot of first aid kits on the market, but I’ve never seen one as user-friendly as the Marine 600. It comes in a water- and impact-resistant hard case and is extremely well organized. Printed on the inside of the lid is a quick reference chart so you can find the specific packet you need. The individual sections include easy-to-follow tip cards inside and there is even a pocket-sized book included to help you navigate through your boating emergencies.
The suggested retail price is $200 and if you were to try and duplicate all that this kit has to offer on your own, you would easily spend that much and more. To list even a fraction of what this kit offers is nearly impossible. Instead, we’ll just recommend that you play it safe and invest is the Marine 600 that earned the highest PDB TESTED rating ever for a product.
Product 98
Application 19/20
Function 50/50
Durability 10/10
Design 10/10
Price 9/10