More than two thousand new boat models were displayed as many as 3 million times to consumers on the new
Discover Boating® Boat Finder since its launch this winter, reinforcing consumer demand to have more information at their fingertips as they research boats online. A resource for boat buyers to explore and compare new boat models beyond the boat show experience, more than 162,000 people engaged with Boat Finder in their search to buy a new boat, with the average user viewing over 53 boat models, spending an average of more than four and a half minutes—nearly five times industry averages.
Boat Finder’s new Enhanced Boat Cards (EBC’s) were a new offering this year and allowed participating brands to share more boat information with boat buyers, including videos and links to their brand and dealer websites. More than 1.6 million EBC’s were displayed (61% of total boats displayed) and opened more than 20,000 times by boat shoppers.
Through Boat Finder, customers can begin the boat-shopping process weeks ahead of the show they plan to attend. To date, nearly all NMMA member brands have their boats listed.
To take advantage of Discover Boating Boat Finder, which will begin being promoted to consumers at least a month ahead of the 2024 winter boat show season, NMMA members must ensure their brands are represented at a Discover Boating show and update their boat data to reflect current model year. Contact
BoatFinder@nmma.org to learn more. Up next, the
2023 Discover Boating Norwalk Boat Show, taking place Sept. 21-24, 2023.