Life jackets are one of the most essential pieces of gear that we carry on our boats. But sometimes with all the people we're hosting on our weekend (or weekday, if you're so lucky) outings, sometimes you can come up empty-handed and someone has to go without. No longer! With the help of BoatUS's life jacket loaner map, you can find someone near you who's willing to lend you a life jacket for the day so everyone can be safe and secure while you're out on the lake. Simply go to BoatUS.org/loanermap and punch in your location and within seconds you'll see everyone within a certain radius that is willing to lend a jacket. The map includes nearly 600 free BoatUS Foundation kids’ Life Jacket Loaner sites at marinas, boat clubs and firehouses, along with over 900 local community loaner sites to give parents and boaters more options. Stay safe out there!