“We’re confident that this model will wow even the most seasoned pontoon veterans,” Premier president Lori Melbostad promises.

Which model is being referred to here? None other than Premier’s new-for-2016 Dodici, a 12-foot-wide, triple engine, luxury cruising model.
The first of its kind in the industry, Melbostad says that this model “can hold up to 26 people and reach 60 mph with three 300-horsepower BRP G2’s with exceptional turning and handling."

Two models, the 290 and 310, and two layouts, the Cruise and the Pub, are currently available. You’ll start to get a grasp for how impressive the Dodici line is when you hear what some of the standard features are, including a 42-inch PTX™ performance package, high-end Zenith wheel, Flexsteel furniture, Seagrass and Tessellation stone flooring, Marine Audio stereo and speakers, new Duro rails and graphics, and a helm footpad and a refrigerated cupholder.

The Dodici, which means “twelve” in Italian, is also the first line to use Premier’s new Heritage marine-grade fabric on all furniture onboard. Having always sought out environmentally-friendly components, Premier is happy to report that this fabric fits the bill for being free of the chemicals commonly used in vinyl, winning it the GREENGUARD certification that ensures that it has met standards for low VOC emissions. Heritage fabric is additionally resistant from overheating due to sun exposure and is quite soft to the touch.
“Premier has always been known for innovation.” Melbostad says. “Our designers and engineers love to challenge themselves to create something new that will fill a niche in the industry. The Dodici is a real triumph and testament to their creativity.”