Premier Marine, Inc. is excited to announce an opportunity for Premier boat owners and Premier dealers. They will be hosting the Premier Film Festival contest beginning immediately until Friday, September 27th, 2019. Anyone with a Premier Pontoon and a recording device is eligible and encouraged to participate.
The contest will consist of preparing a one to five minute video featuring a Premier Pontoon and a portion of the video needs to take place on the water. You do not need video experience to participate. There will be an amateur and professional category. The top prize in each category is $5,000 cash (in the form of a check) or $10,000 off of a new Premier Pontoon. Up to four honorable mentions will be selected in each category and will receive a Premier Prize Pack.
“We are eager to see what contestants create, said Emma Penzenstadler, Premier’s Marketing Coordinator. We know people are out having fun this summer on their Premier Pontoons already. We have no doubt that we will get some unique, creative, and amazing videos.”
For more information on the contest or to submit a video, please follow this link: http://www.pontoons.com/About-Premier.php?content=film_contest